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white luna




Raygon Vandark
Player ID: 68271
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 66
Energetic immunity : 87
Trade sense : 35
Briskness : 58
Initiative : 66
Defence : 189
Attack : 268
Power : 71
Luck : 43
Experimentalism : 5
Volition : 19
Cartography : 9
Medusa Ceremonial Armour
Sun God Armour
Time Principle = 664
Transposition Principle = 530
Principle of Light = 541
Principle of Balance = 354
Principle of Imagination = 289
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Battle stats
Won: 913 | Lost: 1514
Honor: 5000
MindPower: 5
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Assim Eu sou/ So I am

Meu verdadeiro eu/ The real me

“Sou o que sou e nada mais, não ligo para perspectivas exteriores advindas de quem quer que seja, isso me define como Eu e me faz único, talvez este seja um grande defeito, mas faz parte de mim, assim como a realidade que permeia a todos, sendo que cada um tem a sua realidade (parte dela), deturpada e transformada para o seu próprio prazer ou desprazer, assim Eu sou e assim deturpado para cada um, diferente; Talvez melhor para uns, talvez pior para outros. O que me conforta  é pensar que talvez a própria realidade se vê diferente do que realmente é tendo sua própria perspectiva de si mesma. Minha origem não importa, o que importa são os meu objetivos meus quereres, a final o que nos define não é a nossa origem a sim os atos que realizamos, isso define homens, mulheres e tudo mas ao nosso redor, meus atos, sim, eles me definem não o que fui .Assim Eu sou.”

"I am what I am and nothing more, not turn to outside perspectives on who is coming, that defines me and makes me as I only, maybe this is a major fault but part of me and the reality that permeates to all, and each one has its reality, distorted and transformed into your own pleasure or displeasure, so I'm so distorted for each, different, perhaps better for some, perhaps worse for others. What comforts me is thinking that perhaps the reality (see itself very different who it really is) is very different from what you see is really taking its own view of itself. My origin no matter what it is are my goals, my wish, in the end what defines us is not our origin but the acts we do, that defines men, women and all around us, my actions, yes, they define me, not what I was. so am I."

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Some of my creatures
"The Void Maker" "Sshiaxis" The Witch Guardian of Loreroot Ace High "Air Wild" Hell Priest II Aim Master "Claus" Arcangel Joker "Heath Ledger" Lestat Killall Huvourer Monarch of Darkness War Master "Monstru"

I hate

The only thing i hate is vanaisa

I'm  a simple thing!

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Page 459 - The Traveler
Voices in his head tell him to go deeper in through the portal. Sadness fills his soul as if something in him could predict what would happen. Renavoid goes deeper on the path through the breach in the wall. Darkness surrounds him. There was no Necrovion on the other side! ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the game...you could become part of it

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